Year's End Preorder Event


Welcome to the 2024 Year's End Preorder Event Status Page!

For quick check ins, just take a look at the infographic above to see the current status! And if you'd like more details, I'll be updating frequently below  :)


Ok, we're doing things a little differently this time! I've opened unlimited preorders for ALL of our fav designs one last time for the year and since we're opening so many at once, I'm setting estimated ship dates to be in August of 2025.

Due to the nature of this being an unlimited preorder though, the estimated August ship date is subject to change based on how many orders I receive!

This is definitely one of my longer preorder wait times, for a variety of reasons. Of course, this is a larger workload and will take significantly more time after I've caught up on prior preorders. However, I'm also going to be using some of this time to tackle other creative projects that I haven't had the time for. I love these designs just as much as you guys, but I would love to have some extra time to bring new ideas to life! But I know there are so many of you who have been dying to get your hands on certain items, so this timeline allows me to still offer these for you guys while being able to work on other things too! Otherwise I wouldn't be able to offer them for the foreseeable future.

I've also been really considering reworking, updating, and in some cases completely getting rid of some items. So for certain pieces, this may be the last chance to get them. 

Anyway, orders open on November 29th and will stay open through December 29th! That way everyone will have a chance to snag the pieces they want! 

*Edited to add: Due to popular demand, orders have been extended until January 1st @12 am EST!

As always, any and all updates to the preorder process and timeline will be posted here ♡

If you have any questions that can't be answered here or on my FAQ page, feel free to send me an email at:






Thursday, January 2nd:

Happy New Year! 🎉

I wanted to pop on for our first update since orders are officially CLOSED! That being said, I won't be ordering the material for these for a bit since I intend to burn through material I have on hand for prior preorders first to free up some of my limited space. It'll also be a bit before I come back for another update since our current estimated ship dates are towards the end of August. BUT as soon as I have any important updates, I'll be popping in here!

Anyway, I hope you all have an AMAZING start to the new year, and thank you guys so much for making this an amazing event preorder event! I'll be back soon!
