Unwelcome Signs


Ok guys, this is the status page for the Unwelcome Signs!

For quick check ins, just take a look at the infographic above to see the current status! And if you'd like more details, I'll be updating frequently below  :)

Just a quick recap of what was stated in the listings for these: actual production isn't meant to begin until I have finished up prior preorders, and we had shipping dates estimated towards the end of November! I still intend to stick with that schedule, but any changes or adjustments will be mentioned here ♡

If you have any questions that can't be answered here or on my FAQ page, feel free to send me an email at: ritualsofanoni@gmail.com






Sunday, August 25th:

Hey guys! Time for our first update! The last preorder spot was snagged on Thursday, so orders have officially closed. I'll be ordering material soon, but here's just a gentle reminder that I won't be working on these until I finish prior preorders! I'm aiming to get those out at the end of September/early October. So I'll check back in once those have been sent out, and I officially get started. Thank you guys so much, and I look forward to getting these made for you all!
