Unwelcome Signs
Ok guys, this is the status page for the Unwelcome Signs!
For quick check ins, just take a look at the infographic above to see the current status! And if you'd like more details, I'll be updating frequently below :)
Just a quick recap of what was stated in the listings for these: actual production isn't meant to begin until I have finished up prior preorders, and we had shipping dates estimated towards the end of November! I still intend to stick with that schedule,
If you have any questions that can't be answered here or on my FAQ page, feel free to send me an email at: ritualsofanoni@gmail.com
Sunday, August 25th:
Hey guys! Time for our first update! The last preorder spot was snagged on Thursday, so orders have officially closed. I'll be ordering material soon, but here's just a gentle reminder that I won't be working on these until I finish prior preorders! I'm aiming to get those out at the end of September/early October. So I'll check back in once those have been sent out, and I officially get started. Thank you guys so much, and I look forward to getting these made for you all!
Friday, October 11th:
Ok, time for a check in! I ordered the material for these, but we have NOT started production yet. I want to give you guys a heads up that although I'm still gonna do my best to keep my estimated ship dates at the end of November, we MAY be pushed back a little. Unfortunately, my last round of preorders were already running behind from me being sick for a few weeks, and right when I really got the ball rolling we got hit with 2 hurricanes here back to back. It's been beyond stressful and nothing but chaos, but I'm gonna do my best to get things back on track!
If you'd like to see more details regarding these setbacks, you can check out the other status page, here. (Note that the status page linked is for a separate round of orders, and has only been linked for those of you who wish to know more since the updates are quite lengthy). Any important changes regarding your orders will still be kept here, and I'll keep you informed if we have to adjust our ship dates!
Anyway, thank you all so much for your patience and support, and I'll be back soon for more updates!